Saturday, July 4, 2009


udden betrayal took me by surprise
Unexpectedly my friends turned foes
Rendered me defenseless
Vexed was I by it all
Intimidated were you by me?
Vulnerable I was, yet
Opportunity to get past it I saw
Regret your friendship as your weaknesses helped me survive

Prompted @ Acrostic Only

Picture Courtesy


Anonymous said...

tooooo good, wen do u get tymfor all dis thinkin...n u do it with so ease :)

Fatima said...

Time is a great teacher ;)

Miss Sunshine said...

nice one! :D

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

Fatima I would love to take this one to the workshop and show you how to downsize it, as it has the making of a great acrostic --- I enjoyed it nevertheless.

The word verification is "sister"

Fatima said...

Sure! Why not Amias? Pleasure is all mine :D